
Центробанк объявил о начале "монетной недели" в России

Центробанк объявил о начале "монетной недели" в России
"Coin Week" starts in Russia on Monday, October 7, and will last until October 20.

This information was reported in the Telegram channel of the Central Bank of Russia.
Russians will be able to exchange accumulated small change for paper money not only in banks but also in retail stores. Also, in bank branches, coins can be deposited into an account without a commission. In total, about 4,000 units of 159 banks and over 3,500 retail outlets will participate in the campaign.
During a similar campaign in the spring, residents of Russia brought more than 31 million coins to banks, thus returning 135 million rubles into circulation.
The Central Bank previously issued an investment gold coin "Georgy the Victorious" with a face value of 100 rubles. The circulation is up to 100,000 pieces, and the coin is circular with a diameter of 30 millimeters.
Overall, the Bank of Russia plans to issue no more than 1 million investment coins this year - 20% less than last year. According to experts, in this way, the Central Bank primarily evaluates unsold stocks or supply in the domestic market of Russia, as well as consumer demand.
Banknotes and coins could completely disappear from Russia.

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